The soul that has been enriched by communion with God will not be dismayed by isolation but will welcome solitude. He will seek not the crowd but the closet, and emerging will never walk alone, for he has unseen companionship.
Frances J RobertsMy will is not a place, but a condition. Do not ask Me where and when, but ask Me how.
Frances J RobertsRelinquishment of burdens and fears begins where adoration and worship of God become the occupation of the soul.
Frances J RobertsFor adversities must of necessity come. They are part of the pattern of life's pilgrimage for every individual; and who can escape them? But I say unto thee, that for those who walk in Me, and for those who are encircled by the intercessory prayers of My children, I shall make of the suffering, yea, shall make of the trials a stepping stone to future blessing.
Frances J Roberts