Every woman who has any margin of time or money to spare should adopt some one public interest, some philanthropic undertaking,or some social agitation of reform, and give to that cause whatever time and work she may be able to afford.
Frances Power CobbePleasures of the mind have this advantage,--they never cloy nor wear themselves out, but increase by employment.
Frances Power CobbeThe nest may be constructed, so far as the sticks go, by the male bird; but only the hen can line it with moss and down!
Frances Power CobbeThis specter of the female politician, who abandons her family to neglect for the sake of passing bills in parliament, is just as complete an illusion of the masculine brain, as the other specter whom Sydney Smith laid by a joke,--the woman who would forsake an infant for a quadratic equation.
Frances Power CobbeI have often thought how strange it is that men can at once and the same moment cheerfully consign our sex to lives either of narrowest toil or senseless luxury and vanity, and then sneer at the smallness of our aims, the pettiness of our thoughts, the puerility of our conversation!
Frances Power Cobbe