I think it is worse to be poor in mind than in purse, to be stunted and belittled in soul, made a coward, made a liar, made mean and slavish, accustomed to fawn and prevaricate, and "manage" by base arts a husband or a father,--I think this is worse than to be kicked with hobnailed shoes.
Frances Power CobbeI have often thought how strange it is that men can at once and the same moment cheerfully consign our sex to lives either of narrowest toil or senseless luxury and vanity, and then sneer at the smallness of our aims, the pettiness of our thoughts, the puerility of our conversation!
Frances Power CobbeOur sex bears the disgrace not only of a great deal of genuine poltroonery, but also of much which is mere affectation.
Frances Power CobbePleasures of the mind have this advantage,--they never cloy nor wear themselves out, but increase by employment.
Frances Power Cobbe