Our sex bears the disgrace not only of a great deal of genuine poltroonery, but also of much which is mere affectation.
Frances Power CobbeThe nest may be constructed, so far as the sticks go, by the male bird; but only the hen can line it with moss and down!
Frances Power CobbeMen give us most rarely that which we really want, not favor, but - Justice. Nothing is easier than to coax them to pet us like children, nothing more difficult than to persuade them to treat us like responsible human beings.
Frances Power CobbeMorality may exist in an atheist without any religion, and in a theist with a religion quite unspiritual.
Frances Power CobbeIt is a woman, and only a woman, — a woman all by herself, if she likes, and without any man to help her, — who can turn a house into a home.
Frances Power CobbeI think it is worse to be poor in mind than in purse, to be stunted and belittled in soul, made a coward, made a liar, made mean and slavish, accustomed to fawn and prevaricate, and "manage" by base arts a husband or a father,--I think this is worse than to be kicked with hobnailed shoes.
Frances Power Cobbe