A technological advance of a major sort almost always is overestimated in the short run for its consequences - and underestimated in the long run.
Francis CollinsWhat more powerful form of study of mankind could there be than to read our own instruction book?
Francis CollinsThe God of the Bible is also the God of the genome. He can be worshipped in the cathedral or in the laboratory. His creation is majestic, awesome, intricate, and beautiful.
Francis CollinsBy committing the scientific method to religious claims you're committing a logical fallacy
Francis CollinsAddressing the conclusions of The God Delusion point by point with the devastating insight of a molecular biologist turned theologian, Alister McGrath dismantles the argument that science should lead to atheism, and demonstrates instead that Dawkins has abandoned his much-cherished rationality to embrace an embittered manifesto of dogmatic atheist fundamentalism.
Francis Collins