A man once said when the legend gets bigger than the man, you've lost the man and you have an unrealistic picture.
Frank Sinatra, Jr.This disease they call 'rap' - some kind of rhythmic pulse is going by, while some sociopathic idiot is belching out grade school poetry.
Frank Sinatra, Jr.Tony Bennett is still giving concerts, still singing. It's keeping him alive. He's in his late 80s now and he keeps going and going. I maintain, God bless him, it's this devotion to duty and working and being in front his audience.
Frank Sinatra, Jr.For many, many years I wouldn't sing 'My Way.' It seemed pretentious for me to sing [my father's] song 'My Way.' Now it must be in the show to help us tell the story.
Frank Sinatra, Jr.For some years now, I've been doing a program called "Sinatra Sings Sinatra." It's been going on virtually since the end of '98. Nineteen ninety-eight was the year Frank Sinatra died. ... Now having reached what would have been his 100th year - I decided back in 2013 when we started to put all of this together, I decided what we should do was the first "Sinatra Sings Sinatra" in which we go audio visual.
Frank Sinatra, Jr.