There is no comfortable middle path where we get to provide a rational justification for our basic moral, religious and common sense beliefs.
Frederick C. BeiserThe romantics were reacting against a modern culture that divided individuals from themselves (through specialisation in the division of labor), from others (the competitive market place) and from nature, which had been reduced down to a machine through technology. The antidote to such division is unity and wholeness, which means feeling at home again in the world.
Frederick C. BeiserThe aesthetic dimension of the ideal state comes out in the idea of harmony, which is the classical idea of beauty as "concinnitas" or "unity-in-variety".
Frederick C. BeiserTo live well is to live in harmony with ourselves, others and nature, and that idea of harmony is, of course, an aesthetic one.
Frederick C. BeiserWhen Hume insists that taste is a matter of delicacy, that it is a matter of having a sensitivity to features of an object itself, he is very close to the rationalist doctrine. Hume was really a covert objectivist (or partial one) about aesthetic pleasure because that pleasure had to be based on the sensitivity to features in the object.
Frederick C. BeiserThe years 1781 to 1793 are crucial for many reasons, but chiefly because they pose in an especially clear way the main problem of German philosophy for the next century. This is the old conflict between reason and faith which recurred during the pantheism controversy between Jacobi and Mendelssohn.
Frederick C. Beiser