Why? I mean, why you? I can perfectly comprehend not liking my husband. I dislike him intensely most of the time.โ Professor Lyall stifled a chuckle. โI am given to understand that he does not approve of spelling oneโ s name with two llโs. He finds it inexcusably Welsh. I suspect he may be quite taken with you, however.
Gail CarrigerWhat did you do?โ โWell, you see, there was this pot of tea, simply sitting thereโฆโ He trailed off. โUseful thing, tea,โ commented Lyall thoughtfully.
Gail CarrigerLord Macon deposited his wife into a chair and then knelt next to her, clutching one of her hands. "Tell me truthfully - how are you feeling?" Alexia took a breath. "Truthfully? I sometimes wonder if I, like Madame Lefoux, should affect masculine dress." "Gracious me, why?" "You mean aside from the issue of greater mobility?" "My love, I don't think that's currently the result of your clothing." "Indeed, I mean after the baby." "I still don't see why should want to." "Oh no? I dare you to spend a week in a corset, long skirts and a bustle." "How do you know I haven't?
Gail CarrigerThese feelings you engender in me, my lord, are most indelicate. You should stop causing them immediately.
Gail Carriger