Under the obsessive thoughts and plans, under the emotions, positive and negative, there is an ocean of peace.
GangajiWhat will happen in your life if you accept the invitation to stillness cannot be known ... what can be known is you will have a larger capacity to truly meet whatever appears.
GangajiThe secret gem of truth has been hidden in the core of your own heart all along. My invitation is to stop all movement of your mind away from truth so that you can discover directly, for yourself, this jewel that is alive within you.
GangajiSafety is knowing that when this particular life form is finished, what it has served remains.
GangajiTrusting yourself is realizing yourself. Trusting life is realizing yourself as life. This is an invitation to our thinking minds to open in trust. We can trust that there is a knowing that is out of the realm of thoughts or emotions or circumstances. When we deeply trust, our minds open to discover what is true, regardless of what we are feeling. The deepest trust is a by-product of this true realization.