... occasionally I see rich-looking women on Rollerblades gripping leashes and being towed bodily by golden retrievers. That's my kind of jogging.
Gary ReillyMy big dream back then was to buy an IBM Selectric. I still have that dream. I really ought to buy a word-processor. Half the cabbies at Rocky own computers. They tell me they can write failed novels ten times faster on a PC.
Gary ReillyShe looked confused. She looked off-balance. That's a technique I employ to get dates, and it always works.
Gary ReillyWork/Loaf Ratioโ...I have spent fourteen years perfecting... I won't bore you with a long-winded explanation of the โW/LRโ save to say that it is an algebraic formula of such complex numeric subtlety that it can be understood only by mathematicians and hobos.
Gary Reilly