You will recover [from a broken heart] by beginning to identify the difference between frightened and loving parts of your personality.
Gary ZukavThe only way to become authentically powerful is to create authentic power. You cannot wish, want, or command authentic power into your life, although you can try.
Gary ZukavThe requirements for our evolution have changed. Survival is no longer sufficient. Our evolution now requires us to develop spiritually-to become emotionally aware and make responsible choices. It requires us to align ourselves with the values of the soul-harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for life.
Gary ZukavCommitment and creativity cannot be captured and handcuffed. Inspiration cannot be jailed. The heart cannot be contained.
Gary ZukavYour soul is that part of you that always strives for harmony, toward cooperation, toward sharing, toward reverence for life and as you choose, in each moment, to align yourself with harmony, or at least not to create more disharmony in the situation you're in, then you are consciously choosing to align yourself with your soul. You are consciously moving toward authentic power.
Gary Zukav