It is good to have companions when occasion arises, and it is good to be contented with whatever comes.
Gautama BuddhaIf you knew what I know about the power of giving, you would not let a single meal pass without sharing it in some way.
Gautama Buddha...One who possesses four qualities is deposited in heaven as if brought there. What four? Bodily good conduct, verbal good conduct, mental good conduct, and gratitude or thankfulness. One possessing these four qualities is deposited in heaven as if brought there.
Gautama BuddhaDependent Origination is the teaching (that life) is not the mere play of blind chance, but has an existence that is dependent upon conditions. That, precisely with the removal of these conditions, those things that have arisen in dependence upon them-thus also all suffering-must perforce disappear and cease to be.
Gautama Buddha