If a man who has committed many a misdemeanor does not repent and cleanse his heart of the evil, retribution will come upon his person as sure as the streams run into the ocean which becomes ever deeper and wider. If a man who has committed a misdemeanor come to the knowledge of it, reform himself, and practise goodness, the force of retribution will gradually exhaust itself as a disease gradually loses its baneful influence when the patient perspires.
Gautama BuddhaObserve the life by cause and consequence. Explore the life by wisdom. Treat the life by equality. Complete the life by love.
Gautama BuddhaAn unreflective mind is a poor roof. Passion, like the rain, floods the house. But if the roof is strong, there is shelter. Whoever follows impure thoughts Suffers in this world and the next. In both worlds he suffers And how greatly.
Gautama BuddhaFrom the passions arise worry, and from worry arises fear. Away with the passions, and no fear, no worry.
Gautama BuddhaDharma is not upheld by talking about it. Dharma is upheld by living in harmony with it.
Gautama Buddha