The world, indeed, is like a dream and the treasures of the world are an alluring mirage! Like the apparent distances in a picture, things have no reality in themselves, but they are like heat haze.
Gautama BuddhaDo not vainly lament, but do wonder at the rule of transiency and learn from it the emptiness of human life. Do not cherish to unworthy desire that the changeable might become unchanging.
Gautama BuddhaIn this world Hate never yet dispelled hate. Only love dispels hate. This is the law, Ancient and inexhaustible.
Gautama BuddhaAbstain from all sinful, unwholesome actions, perform only pious wholesome ones, purify the mind; this is the teaching of enlightened ones
Gautama BuddhaOnce you know the nature of anger and joy is empty and you let them go, you free yourself from karma.
Gautama BuddhaTherefore, be islands unto yourselves. Be your own refuge. Have recourse to none else for refuge. Hold fast to the Dharma as a refuge. Resort to no other refuge. Whosoever, either now or after I am gone, shall be islands unto themselves, shall seek no eternal refuge, it is they, among my disciples who shall reach the very topmost height! But they must be keen to progress.
Gautama Buddha