Do not pursue the past. Do not lose yourself in the future. The past no longer is. The future has not yet come. Looking deeply at life as it is. In the very here and now, the practitioner dwells in stability and freedom. We must be diligent today. To wait until tomorrow is too late. Death comes unexpectedly. How can we bargain with it? The sage calls a person who knows how to dwell in mindfulness night and day, 'one who knows the better way to live alone.'
Gautama BuddhaBeing generous and kindly in speech, doing a good turn for others, and treating all alike. One like this will be praised.
Gautama BuddhaThe true master lives in truth, in goodness and restraint, non-violence, moderation, and purity.
Gautama BuddhaAbstain from all sinful, unwholesome actions, perform only pious wholesome ones, purify the mind; this is the teaching of enlightened ones
Gautama Buddha