There never was a moment in my life, when I felt so in the Presence, as I do now. I feel as if the Almighty were so real, and so near, that I could reach out and touch Him, as I could this wonderful work of His, if I dared. I feel like saying to Him: 'To the extent of my brain power I realize Your presence, and all it is in me to comprehend of Your power. Help me to learn, even this late, the lessons of Your wonderful creations. Help me to unshackle and expand my soul to the fullest realization of Your wonders. Almighty God, make me bigger, make me broader!
Gene Stratton-Porterthe occasional cries of a lost loon, strayed from its flock in northern migration, fill the swamp with sounds of wailing.
Gene Stratton-PorterMy publishers will make any kind of a beautiful book I design and send in to them, but ... For poetry they have less use than a rooster would have for skates.
Gene Stratton-Porterit takes the very wisest person there is to know when to talk, and when to keep still.
Gene Stratton-Porter