Is he well educated?" "Yes, I think so, as far as he's gone," I answered. "Of course he will go on being educated every day of his life, same as father. He says it is all rot about 'finishing' your education. You never do. You learn more important things each day.
Gene Stratton-Porterthe occasional cries of a lost loon, strayed from its flock in northern migration, fill the swamp with sounds of wailing.
Gene Stratton-Porterit takes the very wisest person there is to know when to talk, and when to keep still.
Gene Stratton-PorterTo my way of thinking and working, the greatest service a piece of fiction can do any reader is to leave him with a higher ideal of life than he had when he began. If in one small degree it shows him where he can be...gentler, saner, cleaner, is a wonder-working book. If it opens his eyes to one beauty in nature he never saw for himself and leads him one step toward the God of the Universe, it is a beneficial book.
Gene Stratton-Porter