[Gilda Radner] died in '89, and I got non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2000. I've just passed the five-year mark and I'm now what you call - well, it's called complete remission, but I'm cured. I'm fine.
Gene WilderZero Mostel wasn't afraid of authority in any form, and that's the part that influenced me the most.
Gene WilderWhich one of us, anywhere in the world, doesn't yearn to be believed when the audience is watching?
Gene WilderWhen people, especially from France, would ask me to talk about or so they could write about New York Jewish humor, I'd say I don't know anything about New York Jewish humor. I know who Zero Mostel was and I know Mel Brooks, but that's about all I could tell you about New York Jewish humor.
Gene Wilder