Give me the artist who breathes it like a native, and goes about his work in it as quietly as a common man goes about his ordinary business. Mozart did so; and that is why I like him. Even if I did not, I should pretend to; for a taste in his music is a mark of caste among musicians, and should be worn, like a tall hat, by the amateur who wishes to pass for a true Brahmin.
George Bernard ShawWhenever I see the word Operation, especially Trifling Operation, I at once write off the patient as dead.
George Bernard ShawScience is always simple and always profound. It is only the half-truths that are dangerous.
George Bernard ShawIt has taken me nearly twenty years of studied self-restraint, aided by the natural decay of my faculties, to make myself dull enough to be accepted as a serious person by the British public; and I am not sure that I am not still regarded as a suspicious character in some quarters.
George Bernard Shaw