A criminal may improve and become a decent member of society. A foreigner cannot improve. Once a foreigner, always a foreigner. There is no way out for him.
George MikesBad English was the second language of Israel and bad Hebrew, of course, remained the national language.
George MikesThe Japanese are human beings like the rest of us, but they will strongly resent this insinuation.
George Mikes'I don't say a Zionist must be insane,' said President Weizmann, 'but it helps if he is.'
George MikesTel-Aviv airport is still the only airport in the world where each passenger is met by ten relatives.
George MikesWas he joking? Was he being sarcastic? Aggressive? Impertinent? Or just courteous? There was no telling from his impassive face. What a country, he thought despairingly. In Russia you always knew. If a man made a stern face he was threatening; if he was laughing uproariously, he was joking.
George Mikes