It is not enough to begin to pray, nor to pray aright; nor is it enough to continue for a time to pray; but we must patiently, believingly, continue in prayer until we obtain an answer; and further we have not only to continue in prayer unto the end, but we have also to believe that God does hear us, and will answer our prayers. Most frequently we fail in not continuing in prayer until the blessing is obtained, and in not expecting the blessing.
George MullerThe vigor of our spiritual life will be in exact proportion to the place held by the Bible in our life and thoughts.
George MullerWhen the day of recompense comes, our only regret will be that we have done so little for Him, not that we have done too much.
George MullerEvery instance of obedience, from right motives, strengthens us spiritually, whilst every act of disobedience weakens us.
George MullerOn the ground of our own goodness we cannot expect to have our prayers answered. But Jesus is worthy, and for His sake we may have our prayers answered. There is nothing too choice, too costly, or too great for God to give Him. He is worthy. He is the spotless, holy Child, who under all circumstances acted according to the mind of God. And if we trust in Him, if we hide in Him, if we put Him forward and ourselves in the background, depend on Him and plead His name, we may expect to have our prayers answered.
George Muller