The energy that actually shapes the world springs from emotions - racial pride, leader-worship, religious belief, love of war - which liberal intellectuals mechanically write off as anachronisms, and which they have usually destroyed so completely in themselves as to have lost all power of action.
George OrwellThe only imaginative prose writer of the slightest value who has appeared among the English-speaking races for some years past.
George OrwellThe very word 'war', therefore, has become misleading. It would probably be accurate to say that by becoming continuous war has ceased to exist. ... War is Peace.
George OrwellHe was conscious of nothing except the blankness of the page in front of him, the itching of the skin above his ankle, the blaring of the music, and a slight booziness caused by the gin.
George OrwellTo know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulneยญss while telling carefully constructeยญd lies, to hold simultaneoยญusly two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictยญory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy.
George Orwell