We have not been energetic enough - white people haven't - in pursuing racial equity.
George SaundersWhen I think about what fiction does morally, I'm happier thinking of a person full of multiplicities - sort of fragmented.
George SaundersAll of this strife on the political front might just be the death throes of another set of [less-honorable] American beliefs, that have, at their core, the notion that equality is something the privileged group "gives" to those not so privileged - a reaching down, as it were.
George SaundersPeople who've written about Abraham Lincoln's writing emphasize how logical he was. His writing was a syllogistic tool. He would say, if A, then B, and he would reason through it. His late writing especially is so tight and so beautifully reasoned.
George SaundersThere's this de facto assumption that for something to have value, it has to be economically self-supporting - which imposes a very low ceiling on a culture.
George SaundersI don't tend to work directly from life, except in trying to mimic or match the outlines of its insanity. In other words, when I live through something, I just try to say to myself, "OK, remember this - life is really this crazy or scary or beautiful or surprising - so try to 'get at' that in your stories.
George Saunders