Women are reputed never to be disgusted. The sad fact is that they often are, but not with men; following the lead of men, they are most often disgusted with themselves
Germaine GreerWe live in a true chaos of contradicting authorities, an age of conformism without community, of proximity without communication.
Germaine GreerMan is jealous because of his amour propre; woman is jealous because of her lack of it.
Germaine GreerAwareness of time as flying has some advantages; it precludes boredom, for one thing. It matters little that younger people find older people boring or slow. Older people have a right to resist being rushed, to stand and stare at the fragile world that has become so unspeakably dear to them. For the lucky ones, who will not have to leave while they are still in love with life, there will come a later time when that passion too will fade, but while one is still possessed by that great tenderness, it must be yielded to.
Germaine Greer