Common morality now treats childbearing as an aberration. There are practically no good reasons left for exercising one's fertility.
Germaine GreerRescuing women from their burden of unwarranted guilt is going to require "educational practices and socializing agents" even more effective than the ones that have been relentlessly loading female humans with responsibility for other people's behavior from their earliest childhood.
Germaine GreerEven crushed against his brother in the Tube the average Englishman pretends desperately that he is alone.
Germaine GreerWar is the admission of defeat in the face of conflicting interests: by war the issue is left to chance, and the tacit assumption that the best man will win is not at all justified. It might equally be argued that the worst, the most unscrupulous man will win, although history will continue the absurd game by finding him after all the best man.
Germaine GreerWomen's liberation, if it abolishes the patriarchal family, will abolish a necessary substructure of the authoritarian state, and once that withers away Marx will have come true willy-nilly, so let's get on with it.
Germaine Greer