The soul, in its power, is present in some way in the entire universe, because it apprehends substances which are not included in the body in which it lives, although they are related to it.
Giordano BrunoThe stars in the sky are really other suns like our own, around which orbit other planets. (paraphrase)
Giordano BrunoYou explain right well, and you shew that you understand argument and are not a mere sophist since you accept that which cannot be denied.
Giordano BrunoMy son, I do not say these are foals and those asses, these little monkeys and those great baboons, as you would have me do. As I told you from the first, I regard them as earth's heroes. But I do not wish to believe them without cause, nor to accept those propositions whose antitheses (as you must have understood if you are not both blind and deaf) are so compellingly true.
Giordano Bruno