Perhaps our greatest concern is with families. The family is falling apart all over the world. The old ties that bound together father and mother and children are breaking everywhere. We must face this in our own midst. There are too many broken homes among our own. The love that led to marriage somehow evaporates, and hatred fills its place. Hearts are broken, children weep.
Gordon B. HinckleyIn our old age my beloved companion said to me quietly one evening, "You have always given me wings to fly, and I have loved you for it.
Gordon B. HinckleyIt is good to look to the past to gain appreciation for the present and perspective for the future.
Gordon B. HinckleySome of you may feel that you are not as attractive and beautiful and glamorous as you would like to be. Rise above any such feelings, cultivate the light you have within you, and it will shine through as a radiant expression that will be seen by others. You need never feel inferior. You need never feel that you were born without talents or without opportunities to give them expression. Cultivate whatever talents you have, and they will grow anะฒ refine and become an expression of your true self appreciated by others.
Gordon B. Hinckley