I know that everybody is seeking bliss. And they're all looking for it mostly in the wrong ways, and as a result of that, they err, but there's no reason to hate them; they just don't know any better. Jesus himself on the cross said, "Forgive them, for they know not what they do." And so people who hate you, that's their problem. It doesn't have to be your problem. I wish them well.
Goswami KriyanandaMaturity is the ability to relate appropriately to other realities than one's own.
Goswami KriyanandaThe truth is that we are a part of God. God could not have created anything except out of his own consciousness. We're all his dream, and our duty in life that God has assigned to us, that the universe has placed squarely in our laps, is to find out who we really are. "Gnothi seauton," as the Greeks used to say. "Know thyself." But to know thyself, if you trace it back, to the deeper and deeper levels, you discover that that self is not your body or your ego or your personality or your country or anything, that's just a sack of self-definitions that you carry around with you
Goswami KriyanandaA deliberate attitude that you have to hold in your mind as one of the basic rules of yoga is to remain even-minded and cheerful.
Goswami KriyanandaBecome more and more centered in the Self. To live more and more in the thought that God is here in your consciousness.
Goswami KriyanandaThe essence of Ananda is both personal and sociological. Personally for people who seek truth or identities of God, it helps to be with other people who share those ideals. Environment is stronger than willpower, and when you are with people who have high ideals, it helps you to grow in your ideals.
Goswami Kriyananda