Changing the world's oceans to increase their uptake of CO2, as other geoengineering solutions propose, is equally dangerous, as the increased resulting acidity of the oceans kills tiny crustaceans, such as krill, that are the basis of the pyramid of life on the planet as we know it.
Graciela ChichilniskySigns of a poorly understood but treatable house fire requires action, not inaction.
Graciela ChichilniskyWhile denial leads to certainty, it is only the certainty of death. This is true for individuals and also for civilizations.
Graciela ChichilniskyPolitical parties often take advantage of denial and fear in a moment of change. This is a well understood phenomenon that often leads to scapegoat-ism: blaming outsiders, such as immigrants, or racial and religious minorities. The phenomenon is behind Brexit and the violence in the political cycles in the US and EU.
Graciela ChichilniskyClimate change is due to the use of energy for industrial growth, which has been and is overwhelmingly based on fossil fuels.
Graciela Chichilnisky