I'm advocating for companies not to make women sign confidentiality clauses just to be able to come to work. I understand that companies need to keep some things secret - like business practices and trade secrets - but confidentiality clauses were never supposed to be keeping private what's happening to people within the workplace. It's a human right issue.
Gretchen CarlsonOur daughter was the last in her class to get a cell phone and she had to earn it. She still doesn't have Instagram although she asks me for it every day.
Gretchen CarlsonTrust is the most important aspect of being a journalist. If people don't trust or find you relatable - you will not have success.
Gretchen CarlsonForcing victims of sexual harassment into secret arbitration proceedings is wrong because it means that nobody ever finds out what really happened.
Gretchen CarlsonTo me, faith is being thankful when things in life are going well and also being thankful when they are not. Its often through our most difficult times when faith lifts us up and gives us the courage and the strength to work even harder to accomplish a new goal or do something we never thought we could.
Gretchen Carlson