Whatever anybody wants to say about my sister, [Eva Braun] was always beautifully dressed with a great flair for fashion. [Adolf] Hitler was not this way.
Gretl BraunI don't think they [Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler] quarreled during the war, he was so completely absorbed in his duties that disagreements just didn't crop up anymore, they were much settled down together by then.
Gretl Braun[Eva Braun] did not want me to interrupt her or try to lift her spirits. She told me she had to go through these periods by herself.
Gretl BraunThe negatives about [Adolf] Hitler were that he was away a lot and couldn't behave towards Eva [Braun] as he should.
Gretl BraunAfter [Adolf] Hitler took power, Hoffmann moved to a grander place on the Ebersbergerstrasse. I never saw the first house, I was never there. It was at the Schnorrstrasse that Eva [Braun] and he first really got to know each other. Some of this was before Geli Raubal's death, much of it was after that event.
Gretl Braun