[Eva Braun] went to the Nurnberg party rallies starting in 1935. She was there twice and stayed at the Hotel Deutscher Hof, the hotel [Adolf] Hitler had always stayed at while there. It was endless subterfuge in order to see him and then only for a few hours, then she had to sneak back to the banishment of her own room.
Gretl Braun[Wilhelm] Bruckner was one of [Adolf] Hitler's adjutants, very close to him and he'd been in the party probably since day one. Personally neither of us could stand him.
Gretl Braun[Adolf Hitler] hardly ever called [Eva Braun] "Eva." He had many Austrian diminutives for her. He called her "Evi" quite often as well as Schatzerl, Evchen, as well as other Austrian expressions.
Gretl BraunDefinitely they [Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun] argued, especially in the period we've just been talking about, the middle 1930's. They were like any other couple.
Gretl BraunThey [Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler] never entrusted their letters to the mail. There was always a courier, someone to hand deliver their letters.
Gretl Braun