I wish I had [letters], can you imagine their value, and I don't mean merely financially. I am sure they were accidentally destroyed or that Schaub found them and destroyed them. [Adolf] Hitler didn't want those letters read by anyone but Eva [Braun] and had made that point clear in the course of the years.
Gretl BraunAfter [Adolf] Hitler took power, Hoffmann moved to a grander place on the Ebersbergerstrasse. I never saw the first house, I was never there. It was at the Schnorrstrasse that Eva [Braun] and he first really got to know each other. Some of this was before Geli Raubal's death, much of it was after that event.
Gretl BraunMore or less constantly [he tease he]. [Adolf Hitler] would tell her, "Oh Evi, you're getting so fat I can't dare be seen with you. You really need to reduce." Eva [Braun] would flew into a panic until he would laugh and reassure her.
Gretl BraunI saw a few lines from a few, there were hundreds of them, all [Adolf Hitler] letters and [Eva Braun] replies written on carbon paper. I just saw that her letters to him were lengthy, his were much shorter. I wouldn't intrude on their privacy and I had given her my word.
Gretl Braun