I am convinced that he loved Eva [Braun] and there is absolutely no question of her complete adoration of him. He was away all the time because his position demanded it. She couldn't travel with him because their relationship was supposed to be secret.
Gretl Braun[Eva Braun] also stayed with [Adolf Hitler] at the Hotel Imperial in Vienna, the Hotel Dreesen in Bad Godesberg and a few other places. I was never with her in these places, though my mother was there in Vienna.
Gretl Braun[Adolf Hitler] was very close-mouthed, he was the most private individual I have ever seen, very secretive.
Gretl BraunWhen we were in the Munich house, sometimes [Adolf Hitler] would call the house line after one of their fights. They would talk and then Eva [Braun] would emerge from her room and behave normally.
Gretl Braun[Adolf] Hitler and Eva [Braun] jointly came to that decision, I think. Hitler wanted me there for security reasons and to keep Eva company, she wanted me there because we were both still very young. I was 20 years old, to live on my own would have been daunting. I wouldn't have done it and neither would she.
Gretl Braun