It was just a terribly stressful situation and dreary. A few months after [Eva Braun] suicide attempt, [Adolf] Hitler moved us both to the apartment, it was in the summer.
Gretl BraunEva [Braun] liked to write cards and letters, she spent a great deal of time on this. She had lovely writing, lovely sets of stationary and she spent hours a day on her correspondence, at least later on.
Gretl BraunI am convinced that he loved Eva [Braun] and there is absolutely no question of her complete adoration of him. He was away all the time because his position demanded it. She couldn't travel with him because their relationship was supposed to be secret.
Gretl BraunEva [Braun] also cried when [Adolf Hitler] would leave her for long periods. She was inconsolable without him, that was a never-changing refrain.
Gretl BraunSometimes [Eva Braun] would go back to his apartment to "make up." At the Berghof, these arguments didn't last as long, [Adolf Hitler] would smooth her feathers and they'd be good together again. I doubt anybody else noticed this but me. It wasn't obvious.
Gretl Braun[Adolf Hitler] would wear whatever what was put in front of him. He didn't match his ties or his shoes with his clothes, it was as if he deliberately dressed in such a way as to get Eva to get upset. It was his form of teasing or perhaps of controlling [Eva Braun], manipulating her emotions.
Gretl Braun