[Adolf Hitler] would wear whatever what was put in front of him. He didn't match his ties or his shoes with his clothes, it was as if he deliberately dressed in such a way as to get Eva to get upset. It was his form of teasing or perhaps of controlling [Eva Braun], manipulating her emotions.
Gretl BraunEva [Braun] liked to write cards and letters, she spent a great deal of time on this. She had lovely writing, lovely sets of stationary and she spent hours a day on her correspondence, at least later on.
Gretl Braun[Eva Braun] complained when [Adolf Hitler] was absent, she complained that she was deprived of his company.
Gretl BraunEva [Braun] wanted him [Adolf Hitler] to look his absolute best and he just didn't care.
Gretl BraunSometimes [Eva Braun] would go back to his apartment to "make up." At the Berghof, these arguments didn't last as long, [Adolf Hitler] would smooth her feathers and they'd be good together again. I doubt anybody else noticed this but me. It wasn't obvious.
Gretl Braun