Every truth ever discovered -- each new light that will ever burn bright -- already exists in our consciousness. All we will ever know and share about love, humility, compassion, and sacrifice -- the secrets that will reveal and then resolve old sorrows -- awaits us within ourselves. Hidden in this truth is our great promise, both as individuals and as a race of beings.
Guy FinleyThe great ones in life are not those who are handed silver spoons. Their excellence comes from digging into the raw ore of their own character, through hard work, persistence and faith turning whatever they touch into gold.
Guy FinleyIt's time to break our ties with anything in us that would rather complain about its situation than go to work to change it.
Guy FinleyInstead of always asking how to get others to approve of you... learn to ask: What do I really want, the applause of the crowds or to quietly have my own life?
Guy Finley