Believe in miracles but don't depend on them. When you hear kind word spoken about a friend, tell him so. Spoil your spouse, not your children. Never make fun of someone who speaks broken English. It means they know another language. To help your children turn out well, spend twice as much time with them and half as much money.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.Loosen up. Relax. Except for rare life-and-death matters, nothing is as important as it first seems.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.Read carefully anything that requires your signature. Remember the big print giveth and the small print taketh away.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.If you are angry, why not try this. Write a letter. Pour out all of your feelings, describe your anger and disappointment. Don't hold anything back. Then put the letter in a drawer. After two days, take it out and read it. Do you still want to send it? I've found that anger and pie crusts soften after two days.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.