To wage a war for a purely moral reason is as absurd as to ravish a woman for a purely moral reason
H. L. MenckenThe harsh, useful things of the world, from pulling teeth to digging potatoes, are best done by men who are as starkly sober as so many convicts in the death-house, but the lovely and useless things, the charming and exhilarating things, are best done by men with, as the phrase is, a few sheets in the wind.
H. L. MenckenThe smallest atom of truth represents some man's bitter toil and agony; for every ponderable chunk of it there is a brave truth-seeker's grave upon some lonely ash-dump and a soul roasting in hell.
H. L. MenckenWithout a doubt there are women who would vote intelligently. There are also men who knit socks beautifully.
H. L. Mencken