it is the modern nature of goodness to exert itself quietly, while a few characters of the opposite cast seem, by the rumor of their exploits, to fill the world; and by their noise to multiply their numbers.
Hannah Moreeternity is a depth which no geometry can measure, no arithmetic calculate, no imagination conceive, no rhetoric describe.
Hannah MoreSince trifles make the sum of human things, And half our misery from our foibles springs.
Hannah MoreAffliction is a sort of moral gymnasium in which the disciples of Christ are trained to robust exercise, hardy exertion, and severe conflict.
Hannah MoreAmong the many evils which prevail under the sun, the abuse of words is not the least considerable. By the influence of time, and the perversion of fashion, the plainest and most unequivocal may be so altered, as to have a meaning assigned them almost diametrically opposite to their original signification.
Hannah More