If a young lady has that discretion and modesty without which all knowledge is little worth, she will never make an ostentatious parade of it, because she will rather be intent on acquiring more than on displaying what she has.
Hannah MoreSensibility appears to me to be neither good nor evil in itself, but in its application. Under the influence of Christian principle, it makes saints and martyrs; ill-directed, or uncontrolled, it is a snare, and the source of every temptation; besides, as people cannot get it if it is not given them, to descant on it seems to me as idle as to recommend people to have black eyes or fair complexions.
Hannah MoreThere is one single fact that one may oppose to all the wit and argument of infidelity; namely, that no man ever repented of being a Christian on his death-bed.
Hannah MoreTo hint at a fault does more mischief than speaking out; for whatever is left for the imagination to finish will not fail to be overdone.
Hannah MoreTo those who know thee not, no words can paint! And those who know thee, know all words are faint!
Hannah MorePeople talk as if the act of death made a complete change in the nature, as well as in the condition of man. Death is the vehicle to another state of being, but possesses no power to qualify us for that state. In conveying us to a new world it does not give us a new heart.
Hannah MoreGoing to the opera, like getting drunk, is a sin that carries its own punishment with it.
Hannah MoreThe secret heart is fair devotion's temple; there the saint, even on that living altar, lights the flame of purest sacrifice, which burns unseen, not unaccepted.
Hannah MoreWhat ascends up in prayer descends to us again in blessings. It is like the rain which just now fell, and which had been drawn up from the ground in vapors to the clouds before it descended from them to the earth in that refreshing shower.
Hannah MoreIn agony or danger, no nature is atheist. The mind that knows not what to fly to, flies to God.
Hannah MoreGlory darts her soul-pervading ray on thrones and cottages, regardless still of all the artificial nice distinctions vain human customs make.
Hannah MoreThe ubiquity of the Divine presence is the only true support, and I am sometimes astonished how persons, who evidently do not possess that grand source of consolation, keep up their spirits under trials and difficulties. It must be owing to careless tempers and nerves of brass.
Hannah Morenothing is more common than to mistake the sign for the thing itself; nor is any practice more frequent than that of endeavoring to acquire the exterior mark, without once thinking to labor after the interior grace.
Hannah MoreThe education of the present race of females is not very favorable to domestic happiness. For my own part, I call education, not that which smothers a woman with accomplishments, but that which tends to consolidate a firm and regular system of character; that which tends to form a friend, a companion, and a wife.
Hannah MoreWhen thou hast truly thanked the Lord for every blessing sent, But little time will then remain for murmur or lament.
Hannah MoreMy plan of instruction is extremely simple and limited. They learn, on week-days, such coarse works as may fit them for servants. I allow of no writing for the poor. My object is not to make fanatics, but to train up the lower classes in habits of industry and piety.
Hannah MoreResentment is an evil so costly to our peace that we should find it more cheap to forgive even were it no more right.
Hannah More