If the intensity of the material world is plotted along the horizontal axis, and the response of the human mind is on the vertical, the relation between the two is represented by the logarithmic curve. Could this rule provide a clue to the relationship between the objective measure of information, and our subjective perception of it?
Hans Christian von BaeyerThis is not what I thought physics was about when I started out: I learned that the idea is to explain nature in terms of clearly understood mathematical laws; but perhaps comparisons are the best we can hope for.
Hans Christian von BaeyerNumbers instill a feeling for the lie of the land, and furnish grist for the mathematical mill that is the physicist's principal tool.
Hans Christian von BaeyerClaude Shannon, the founder of information theory, invented a way to measure 'the amount of information' in a message without defining the word 'information' itself, nor even addressing the question of the meaning of the message.
Hans Christian von Baeyer