Today anywhere you go you will find that this is a living legacy which is not only for now, not only for the next one hundred years, but for the coming two thousand years of the Age of Aquarius, when mankind will find shelter in the 3HO way of life. And then, you who are here now, who are just considered to be a handful of people, shall be considered as the most Divine.
Harbhajan Singh YogiFantasy and anger totally destroy the human body. Tolerance is the greatest human asset.
Harbhajan Singh YogiAny woman on this planet who values herself as a woman is great. She is a giver of life. And when you are a giver of life, what more is there?
Harbhajan Singh YogiBless be the ones who serve others. They are the ones who find heaven on earth.
Harbhajan Singh YogiCompassion is for the very strong. Compassion does not come to the weak. People who are unkind, bullies, use rude language, are not strong people. They are very weak people.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi