I wonder how many times you have to be hit on the head before you find out who's hitting you? It's about time that the people of America realized what the Republicans have been doing to them.
Harry S. TrumanI have to decide Japanese strategy - shall we invade Japan proper or shall we bomb and blockade? That is my hardest decision to date. But I'll make it when I have all the facts.
Harry S. TrumanThere shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed services without regard to race, color, religion or national origin.
Harry S. TrumanOf course, there are dangers in religious freedom and freedom of opinion. But to deny these rights is worse than dangerous, it is absolutely fatal to liberty.
Harry S. TrumanMama and Papa are more to blame (for delinquency) than the kids; parents should stay home and raise their children and spend less time in taverns.
Harry S. TrumanI wonder how far Moses would have gone if he had taken a poll in Egypt? What would Jesus Christ have preached if He had taken a poll in the land of Israel? Where would the Reformation have gone if Martin Luther had taken a poll? It isn't polls or public opinion alone of the moment that counts.
Harry S. Truman