Somewhere in his body--perhaps in the marrow of his bones--he would continue to feel her absence.
Haruki MurakamiWhen the orbits of these two satellites of ours happened to cross paths, we could be together. Maybe even open our hearts to each other. But that was only for the briefest moment. In the next instant we'd be in absolute solitude. Until we burned up and became nothing.
Haruki MurakamiYou're walking through a field all by yourself one day in spring and this sweet little bear cub with velvet fur and shiny little eyes comes walking along. And he says to you, 'Hi, there, little lady. Want to tumble with me?' So you and the bear spend the whole day in each other's arms, tumbling down this clover-covered hill. Nice, huh?
Haruki MurakamiI just feel pain. A lot of pain. I thought I could imagine how much this would hurt but I was wrong.
Haruki MurakamiI'm not sure if I could tell the differenceโbetween just staring into space and thinking. We're usually thinking all the time, aren't we? Not that we live in order to think, but the opposite isn't true eitherโthat we think in order to live. I believe, contrary to Descartes, that we sometimes think in order not to be. Staring into space might unintentionally have the opposite effect.
Haruki Murakami