... The wise in all ages... have tried to learn one thing only, and that was resignation to the Will of God. By doing this, they have reached a stage at which they could see from God's point of view.
Hazrat Inayat KhanThe purpose of creation is beauty. Nature in all its various aspects develops towards beauty, and therefore it is plain that the purpose of life is to evolve towards beauty.
Hazrat Inayat KhanMany say that life entered the human body by the help of music, but the truth is that life itself is music.
Hazrat Inayat KhanFrom the metaphysical point of view there is nothing that can touch the formless except the art of music which in itself is formless.
Hazrat Inayat KhanI played the vina until my heart turned into the same instrument. Then I offered this instrument to the Divine Musician, the only muscian existing. Since then I have become His flute, and when He chooses He plays His music. The people give me credit for this music which, in reality, is not due to me, but to the Musician who plays his own instrument.
Hazrat Inayat Khan