A blaspheming Frenchman is a spectacle more pleasing to the Lord than a praying Englishman.
Heinrich HeineThat was only the beginning - where one burns books, one will finally also burn people.
Heinrich HeineI have never seen an ass who talked like a human being, but I have met many human beings who talked like asses.
Heinrich HeineI consider it a degradation and a stain on my honor to submit to baptism in order to qualify myself for state employment in Prussia.
Heinrich HeineBut oh! the Latin!-Madame, you can really have no idea of what a mess it is. The Romans would never have found time to conquer the world if they had been obliged first to learn Latin. Lucky dogs! they already knew in their cradles the nouns ending in im. I on the contrary had to learn it by heart, in the sweat of my brow.
Heinrich Heine