Photography has not changed since its origin except in its technical aspects, which for me are not important.
Henri Cartier-BressonWhat do you think I'm a professor of? The little finger? (On offers of honorary doctorates.)
Henri Cartier-BressonWe must avoid however, snapping away, shooting quickly and without thought, overloading ourselves with unnecessary images that clutter our memory and diminish the clarity of the whole.
Henri Cartier-BressonTo photograph: it is to put on the same line of sight the head, the eye and the heart.
Henri Cartier-BressonTo me, photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event as well as of a precise organization of forms which give that event its proper expression. And this organization, this precision, will always escape you, if you do not appreciate what a picture is, if you do not understand that the composition, the logic, the equilibrium of the surfaces and values are the only ways of giving meaning to all that is continuously appearing and vanishing before our very eyes.
Henri Cartier-Bresson