At the creation of man and woman, unity for them in marriage was not given as hope; it was a command! 'Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh
Henry B. EyringIf we continue to seek learning to serve God and His children better, it is a blessing of great worth. If we begin to seek learning to exalt ourselves alone, it leads to selfishness and pride, which will take us away from eternal life.
Henry B. EyringThe words of confirmation into the Church are an invitation: Receive the Holy Ghost. And that choice must be made not once, but every day, every hour, every minute.
Henry B. EyringAt this and every season, our Savior invites us to join with HIM and others to offer the priceless gift of JOY.
Henry B. Eyring