In the postindustrial age, labor is seen as essentially uninvolved in the social process because there is no need for assertive labor.
Herbert SchillerTriumphant capitalism has unleashed a powerful drive toward inequality, not improvement, in the social sphere.
Herbert SchillerThe "cumulative effects" of unbridled commercialism, however difficult to assess, constitute one key to the impact of growing up in the core of the world's marketing system. Minimally, it suggests unpreparedness for, and lack of interest in, the world that exists outside the shopping mall.
Herbert SchillerThe content and forms of American communications-the myths and the means of transmitting them-are devoted to manipulation. When successfully employed, as they invariably are, the result is individual passivity, a state of inertia that precludes action.
Herbert SchillerOne growing threat to the stability of the U.S. economy, and therefore to its capability to continue to direct the global order, paradoxically emerges from its success in establishing capitalism around the world.
Herbert SchillerIn the 1990's, a time of corporate capital's global ascendancy, the mildest restraints on its prerogatives have been peremptorily rejected. Automatically, under this designation, measures to protect national cultural industries, for example, have been ruled unacceptable infringements of "free trade."
Herbert Schiller